Monday, October 30, 2006
Anyhow, I'm not going to say alot.
Life's going. Could use some prayer with friendships and trusting in God... w ith everything.
I've kind of been realizing how often this world changes around me. Everything changes day by day... though lately they seem to be hitting hardcore. Circumstances are kind of hard to face sometimes when you see that relationships could be damaged. Tough. But I'm trying to trust in God. Letting Him have my destiny... letting go of everything.
It's been hard lately of trusting God with my future husband. Kind of been realizing how impossible it seems that it could all work out, and I feel as if it's not going to be a fairy tale at all... instead it's going to be tough. So, just pray for trust in God I suppose... and there's other things that are going on that makes it tough to trust God. But each day He has been faithful with speaking to me. Every morning for my devotions it's like I can hear His voice speaking to me through His word. Songs will come up about what I'm dealing with right when it seems hardest to deal with the issue. So yeah, trusting God, but also being okay with whatever happens in my life that isn't exactly what I would have planned.... cause somehow that's God's best for me. Doesn't really seem possible, but it is... even through the hurt.
Laugh. Love. Life.
Three great words!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Dear Men,
Teacups. Treat women as if we are priceless and rare treasures. Treat us with gentility and care. Walk us to our cars. Offer us your chairs. Open doors for us. Guard our hearts. It is so refreshing for a young lady to have male friends who treat us like ladies and are making an effort to protect our tender hearts through Biblically based relationships. Encourage us in femininity! And please be patient if it takes us a little while to get used to chivalry--I still feel kind of bad when I accept a chair offered me by a young man, knowing he will now have to stand (nevertheless, thank you so much, I am truly humbled by all the times a man (any age) offers me his chair and has to stand...) It's not always easy for us to play the role of a Biblical women, so do what you can to make it easy for us! Initiate conversation with us (especially that of a Biblical nature)--that is a real blessing! You be the first to make the move, whether it be toward platonic friendship or marriage: we like that.
Small Things. The small things really matter to us. We love it when you notice our new haircut or shoes. Even something as simple as, "Did you get your hair cut?" lets us know that you care--and it's not too forward, either (as long as you don't mention something like that every time you see us... but we do enjoy it if guys notice our hair, clothes shoes... and if you don't like it... well, it's your pick whether or not to tell us (I think the closer the friendship the easier it is to tell the other that those shoes really do look awful hahaha.).
Be A Man. We like men to be exactly that: MEN! Serve us through leadership (we won't expect you to lead perfectly if you don't expect us to follow perfectly!). Try to fix things. Be strong (emotionally or physically) for us when we cannot. But at the same time, don't be afraid to cry. Take your God given role as a provider and protector seriously. Laugh with us, and make us laugh! Seek God with your whole being! Be an unquenchable worshipper!
Friends You have no idea how appreciated it is when you are only a friend to girls!!! Girls like it sooo much more then you trying to get their attention or ignoring them. Friends. Sweet and simple. Talk about things that are worth talking about... I am so encouraged when a guy initiates a conversation with a group of people (or even just a couple people) and we are able to discuss things worthwhile (mainly God, questions, Heaven, and ways we need to grow as friends).
Dear Girls,
Tincups. Don't expect men to be like us! They're not, it's a good thing even though we don't always believe that. Rejoice in their God given differences! Encourage them in masculinity and leadership. Let them try to fix your car's lights and radio--even if they break it further-- or trying to lead the caravan and they get lost...thank God for the care they are showing (By the way, thanks PJ, Jesse and Shwa)! Let them grunt loudly during the football game--or whatever odd little manly things they may do. Don't be offended if they don't show the same emotional ups and downs as we do--it doesn't mean they aren't affected. Let them be men.
Small Things. Girls, get it out of your head that the guy who complemented on your dress yesterday wants to walk down "The Aisle" with you. Enjoy the male friends you have...and remember, they're just friends. Someday a guy will probably pursue you, but why worry about it until that day comes? For now, enjoy singleness and the benefits of having Godly men as friends. Friends are wonderful. (Let's see how many times Savannah can use the word "friends" in a single paragraph!)
Be A Woman. Embrace femininity! Embrace your Biblical role as a woman! Why should we expect men to be gentlemen if we refuse to be ladies? Dress modestly. Be gentle in spirit. Laugh! Thank God that you are a woman fearfully made! Accept that offered chair. Smile and be grateful when that door is opened for you. Thank them when they offer to carry your books/bag/whatever, and then let them. Do what you can to make it easy for the men in your life to be men. The rewards are boundless!
Friends. BE FRIENDS... and if the guy is being your friend... DON'T TAKE IT AS ANYTHING ELSE! All guys in Christ are our brothers. Treat them with respect and friendliness. And be patient... let guys lead. If they want to talk to you and be friends, they will. Let the guys be leaders... don't take their position! Laugh... be serious... mature... think of them more highly then yourself (even if they are tincups, they still have precious hearts... make sure you ask yourself if you find that you're leading a guy on ''would I feel okay being at his wedding if he was marrying someone else? Would it be awkward?'')
To all of my friends here and Corning (and a few more!) I just wanted to let you know how blessed I am with you're example in this area. I can honestly say that the guys in our youthgroup and Cross culture excel at this, as do the girls! Thanks so much!!!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
My dear friend Anna! How I have watched you grow! How I have loved being your friend! How I pray for you every day!!! Anna, God has blessed you with so many things! Grace, beauty, creativity, writing, love for others, a love FOR HIM! CONTINUE to grow! I love you so much! Embrace what God would have for you, and don't ever take your eyes from the power of the cross. Don't look to this world, look to His love for you and desire Him! He loves you, A MILLION times more then I do... and I love you a lot!
My brother Jarred!!! You and me, best pals! You have grown soo much! You are much much taller then me, and in many ways I am sure, much more mature then me! You are becoming such a man of God it's so amazing! I love being around you, watching you grow watching you worship! God is going to do great things through you I believe through your example of humility and biblical masculinity! I love being your sister and I pray that God would keep you strong for every day you face! Thanks so much for being such a great big brother!!
Cass and Jesse, two of a kind! Two that serve faithfully and that have served in so many ways. Cassie... there isn't anyone I know besides my mom who is more beautiful then you! Your example and love for me has touched me in ways I cannot express (and hopefully will be able to do in a more precise way in Heaven). I love you, I love the time you have invested in me who truly does not deserve a friend like you! (Jesse, your actually kind of in here by default, this is one of my favorite pictures of Cass, so I decided to add you too Jesse to see God working in your life is truly amazing. To see your joy in serving behind the scenes shows just how much you is desire God first in your life! Your example of brotherly love to your sisters Tanya and Cass truly astounds me and has been an example to me of how I can pray for my own brother! You two are truly a HUGE blessing to this church and to me! Thanks so much for listening to God's call!
Tai!!! Hey, just to let you know, you rock my world! God has blessed you in so many ways that I can only pray that He will grow me in! Your patience, your continuing desire for growth, your love for God, your happiness and smile! I can't wait to see how much God's going to do through you... especially when you're a mom! Thanks so much for allowing me to be your friend even though I know I don't deserve it! I think God would just want to let you know that He loves you very much, He wouldn't let things happen if He wasn't thinking of you and for your good! Everything that happens to you... He's got it all figured out! AND GUESS WHAT!?!?! It's for your best!!!! OUR GOD IS SO AMAZING. I'm praying for you, He's working in you and He will continue to bring the work He began in you to completion until the day of Jesus Christ! Once again, thanks so much for letting me be your friend, I know I don't deserve it at all!
And to all you others... I'll get to you someday!
Our God is amazing and I love Him!
ps. okay, the other two pictures are not working, if you wish to see them, simply click here.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Hello all!
Last night I stayed up pretty much till probably 2 watching movies with my sister. It was fun! .
But before that we (Jesse, Cassie, Jenn, Bethany, Alex, Jarred, Demory, Reagen, Anna, Daniel, Jess, PJ and me) went to the East vs. West football game. Steven had I think two great catches which was pretty much really really cool! And we got really cold, and I was pretty sure that my toes froze off cause I couldn't feel them... at all. literally. I was getting kinda worried by the end. We all painted a green 'W' on our cheek (girls left, guys right) and we cheered for West hardcore. We forgot blankets, but we were saved by Jenn who brought a ton! And mama Hanshaw let us borrow one for most of the game. We had warm cocoa. cold nachos and cheese, and warm popcorn (once we got it to our seats they were like that ). And everytime something cool happened that I WANTED to see... Jesse stood up.. so all I could see was Jesse, not the football game that I wanted to see. Anna and I had to keep telling him to get down. lol. He was pretty excited about the game. Also, Jarred introduced me to two girls from his cross country team (Jenn and Kate) they thought we were twins, which is okay I suppose, since they were thinking we were sixteen not fifteen.
Anyhow, Jarred's off at crosscountry (for a race) I'm watching the kids and a nieghbors kid (who's six and a die heart cowboys fan and pretty much knows everything about football, it's crazy! And he knows all the names to the cowboys).
Anyhoo, life here's been fun! Looking forward to Christmas. Hanging out with a lot of friends. A shoutout to you Nicole, luv ya neighbor! Chillin out was fun.
God's been meeting me in a lot of new special ways. I kind of took a spiritual retreat this week which was a lot of fun and God really met me. 'Whispering gently in my ear' is kind of what it was like. It was very special. Kind of realizing how selfcentered I am. How focused I am on my wants and desires and not letting God be my only focus and my love! I want my life completely, in every area, focused on Him! Never me, I want to be a blessing to other people, not a pest, not arrogant, I need help! God is my life. To kind of sum it up.
My Perfect One
The love of my life
Spoke to me late last night
Whispered softly in my ear
Of things I longed to hear
His words directing my thoughts
His love capturing my heart
I no longer have fear
For I know He is here
He knows me! He loves me!
My heart is full of butterflies
As He sings to me His lullabies
He’s so sweet
And I’ll love Him for keeps
I came home full of sorrow
But He was there full of care
Once again He told me
He’d be with me for eternity!
His words directing my thoughts
His love capturing my heart
I no longer have fear
For I know He is here
He knows me! He loves me!
My heart is full of butterflies
As He sings to me His lullabies
He’s so sweet
And I’ll love Him for keeps
Love so divine
How is it that I
Came to be so in love
With my Perfect One?
Monday, October 16, 2006
I went driving on a fourwheeler (as in I drove it) and I rode with the Efthimiou's (Anna)... that was fun!
Then on the way back I drove home (about 45 minutes or so... it was fun).
I made potato soup for dinner and it was really good. Jesse brought three bushels of apples over and I'm going to make some applepie someday soon! That will most certainly be fun.
Now... a serious question for you... do you like apple pie hot or cold??? Or rather which do you prefer? I think I like it better when I sneak a piece in the morning the night after it's been made, for my breakfast. But that is obviously just my personal opinion.
And for the first snow Sunday here in Corning... I'm wearting Christmas colors! Yes... Christmas colors... hahahahaha... oh what fun that will be!
And now... for the major theme of this post. I think I'm going to get my hair brown............................. sometime this month (or very early next month)... I keep getting told by the men in this house (specifically my dad and PJ) that I should keep it blond... but I think it's time for a change... I don't know.
aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnddddddddd that's about it.
Have a good one everybody!
My Pillow
I lay my head down to sleep
I close my eyes and I begin to think
About how soft and comfy
My bed and pillow can be
My head sinks down in its comfort
And my trials I start to abort
My dreams begin to be real
And everything I see I begin to feel
My dreams whirl around in reality
My mind is in a mad creativity
As all my dreams become like life
In all the joy peace romance and strife
My face is warm from the rays of the sun
I blink my eyes and then I yawn
As the sun rises my dreams float away
But my pillow is here to stay
To remind me of my dreams during the day
I went driving on a fourwheeler (as in I drove it) and I rode with the Efthimiou's (Anna)... that was fun!
Then on the way back I drove home (about 45 minutes or so... it was fun).
I made potato soup for dinner and it was really good. Jesse brought three bushels of apples over and I'm going to make some applepie someday soon! That will most certainly be fun.
Now... a serious question for you... do you like apple pie hot or cold??? Or rather which do you prefer? I think I like it better when I sneak a piece in the morning the night after it's been made, for my breakfast. But that is obviously just my personal opinion.
And for the first snow Sunday here in Corning... I'm wearting Christmas colors! Yes... Christmas colors... hahahahaha... oh what fun that will be!
And now... for the major theme of this post. I think I'm going to get my hair brown............................. sometime this month (or very early next month)... I keep getting told by the men in this house (specifically my dad and PJ) that I should keep it blond... but I think it's time for a change... I don't know.
aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnddddddddd that's about it.
Have a good one everybody!
My Pillow
I lay my head down to sleep
I close my eyes and I begin to think
About how soft and comfy
My bed and pillow can be
My head sinks down in its comfort
And my trials I start to abort
My dreams begin to be real
And everything I see I begin to feel
My dreams whirl around in reality
My mind is in a mad creativity
As all my dreams become like life
In all the joy peace romance and strife
My face is warm from the rays of the sun
I blink my eyes and then I yawn
As the sun rises my dreams float away
But my pillow is here to stay
To remind me of my dreams during the day
Friday, October 13, 2006
Yesterday Mr. Snapp made up the best game at YSOS ever!!!
It was simply three teams... The Eagles, Cowboys, and Giants. Then there was a timer and rules and a game... and 100 yards you had to cover before you won. It was amazing fun... mostly because I was on the ealges. hahahaha. My team was the best... even though we didn't 'win' (notice the quotes...) we were 'winning' for most all of the game. hahahaha. GOOD TIMES!!!
I totally hung out with Rachael all Wednesday (we went and looked at colleges, got a latte and had a great time just talking!!!). Today I had art class, then I chilled out at the Efthimiou's until Silent Cry which was mad fun... I am so bummed Anna that you and I didn't have more of a 'get together' time, but we'll have it! Don't worry! How about getting together and doing 'pictures' like rachael did??? that would be incredible fun!! I think next Silent Cry I might have to crash your place again (if it's okay lol) but we'll see with the time that presents itself! . Happy Birthday Miina!
So tonight at Silent Cry we did an improvisation skit... where we split up into two teams (bananas and mangos... bananas was mine!) It was Jordan, Daniel, Andrew, Jennifer, Mattea, Joy and myself (I think that's it). We had a bag of all this RANDOM stuff... and three phrases we had to use... and it was soooooo much fun!!!!! Lot's of laughs!!!!!!!! And lots' and lot's of chocolate treasures!!! (Jessica's caramel filled cookies)
I know it's not Christmas... but aren't you excited!?!?!?!?! Christmas is just around the bend! I wore a scarf all day today, and tomorrow I think I'm going to wear my winter gloves! I love christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stories... presents... friends... JESUS! Christmas trees..................................................... ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh........................... and cold. I'll try and forget that for the time being!!!!!!!
Alrighty... I'm off to write my story... and listen to Christmas music! adios!
ps. Isaiah is a fantastic book to read! chapters 43 60 and 65 are good ones that come to mind! God is good... and Disciplines of Grace is a great book! If you haven't read it I would suggest it!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Last night. Eagles verses Cowboys. Yes, I watched the game. I was all for Eagles and T.O. is a jerk! hahaha. funny story.
Bethany walks downstairs (into the Rawleigh's basement where we were watching the game) and sits down on the couch then there's a shot of T.O on the bench really upset about something and Beth just pipes up. "That guy looks like a jerk!" (And she was cheering for the cowboys). We all died of laughter, she didn't even know it was T.O. fantastic! hahahahaha. The game was fun to watch though, especially since I was one of the only ones cheering for the Eagles. Good times!
In a couple of minutes I'm off to go play some football I think! That'll be fun, either that or frisbee, though this morning Bethany and I ran and we sprinted for the last stretch and I nearly killed myself doing that, then we played DDR with weights, hahahahha. good times Bethany!
Well, I really miss the Efthimious!!! HOpe yall are having a good time!!!!!!!!!!! I should probably try and call you guys sometime! lol.
Adios to all!
He’s Directing Me
My plans and dreams
Are here in my hands
As I stare into the night
I ponder on what is right
Should I let go?
Or hold onto them tight?
I want to see my faith grow
So I let go with all my might
It’s hard to think that while I live
I don’t know where I am destined
God may take me here or there
Nowhere or anywhere
It’s not my job to plan
Just to be prepared for whatever might be had
I know He’ll have what’s best for me
Better then anything that could be.
I live my life now
Without a doubt
That whatever happens
That it is in God’s plans
I could never be more happy
Then when God is directing me
No matter the circumstances
For His glory I continue dancing
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Yes, it's going to be about e-team ;-).
It was a great week! Filled with evidences of God working and being good to the city of Corning and in the lives of all in it. It all started with Tai and the Wilber's crashing our place (Andrew and Mattea) and then we hung out at the Jeror's and waited... and waited... Rachael and Anna and quiet a few other people crashed (Anna and I were matching quiet by accident, jeans, yc t-shirt, pink undershirt and DC shoes it was fun!) and then they said they would be there in a couple of minutes so off we went to the Snapp's... then waited! They finally came in, Cassie was working on something that wasn't working with her and Jesse helped her out while I just sat there (not sure if that was helping Cass, but I sure do love you!). E-team crashed the Snapps. It was crowded. I saw Bethie and Abbie and we were all reunited. JaRed and Adam were there and we all talked for a little then we headed home. THEN... we hung out till 1 o'clock. Then we went to bed.
The next day we had prayer meeting and a few of us got up at 6 to go (Bethie, Tai and myself, along with PJ, and I'm guessing that Shwa drove us over as well... surprise surprise...) Prayer meeting was fantastic! A lot of people were there and to tell the truth, it was probably one of the times were I felt closest to God throughout e-team!
We went home... I couldn't eat anything, I felt sick to my stomach (staying up to late then getting up insanely early is not a good thing for ones stomach) So I had peanutbutter gronala bars from Heaven. That started off the day fantastically! hahahaha.
I was trusting in God for that 'high 75' weather... hahahaha, so I wore a t-shirt with a very light long sleeved button up shirt.... and we headed off to CenterWay Square for the e-team reunion and seperation. I WAS FREEZING COLD!!! Thank you Whitney for your sweater! Thank you Rachael for keeping me warm... and thank you Anna for being cold with me... hahahaha. We had a great time of worship... then we had to go off to our carwashes! And all this time... all of us girls staying at my house didn't have a ride to get there... thanks to Jason though we made it! hahaha. The carwash went quiet well, it was cold. I'll post pictures later. Anna high five! Those pictures were amazing! I did signs... no surprise... and our biggest joke of the weekend happened there.
'So, you're what... 16? I understand that this is a big transitional age for you... and I was just wondering... well, do you like guys?'
'Umm, yeah...'
'Oh, well I was just wondering... I thought maybe you would be immune to that.'
All you who know what I'm talking about I know your laughing, especially Adam. lol. Bethie, you're a great sport to go along with it after the joke was made! You're the greatest. ;-).
We also got these amazing pens from a shop next to us. I ended up with a blue one... as well as Abbie... 'The Fellowship of the Blue Pens' and she and I are 'tight' ;-). That is also when I named Daniel 'Sir Marcus'. and we all wrote messages on each others hands. Good times! And Anna... we are all out of ICE CREAM
After the car wash, I was exhausted, but Tai and I were asked to do an invitational outreach out on Market Street. And after I tried to call Shwa through Jesse and Cassie (sorry Jesse for hanging up on you... I didn't know that that would happen when I pressed the 'end' button. lol. but really no, I didn't mean to press it at all) Then Shwa came and picked us all up. Thnx again!
Then, the highlight of the week is when about when we were almost done, I walked up to this elderly man who stood in the doorway to a shop with a little child in a stroller at his feet. Smiling I walk up to him.
"Hey, would you like a free drink or snack?' (we were handing out free snacks and drinks along with the invitations. Then... to answer me he started speaking in a different language... French! Shwa who understood what he was saying didn't help at all cause he couldn't speak it. After a few seconds I explained to him that it was free... then someone came out (his niece and wife I think) and the niece spoke english (with a big accent). I got to explain to her what was going on and stuff... and she actually asked for another invite! I was so excited!
Then we loaded back up in Shwa's car and headed to pizza and a seminar Stephen was doing. It was a lot of fun. Us girls had a 'club' before hand where we all pretty much found a place and all laid down 'cause we were all so tired. good times. Pizza was good. Seminar was great... hanging out was cool. Going through the how good are you track with Tai was fun! And having Tai do it with me was even more fun! ;-). She did a great job! Corey and my brother came in about half way through. exciting. Sorry Corey about forgetting your birthday! Please forgive me ;-).
Then pretty much half of the world crashed teh Cornfield premises. I hung out with all the 'cool people' then went and hung out at hte Jeror's with Bethie and a few others (17 and up). Corey and I stole quiet a few chocolates... sorry. Couldn't resist. lol.
We stayed up late again. Went to bed. Woke up at 7. Got ready for the community fair. COMMUNITY FAIRS ARE GREAT!!! We got there (I went with PJ and we rocked out to 'Mood Rings' by Relient K, hahah), Rachael Bethie and I went and got some coffee. We set up. I gave away my hoodies and sweatshirts so I was left with underarmer and my t-shirt. The obtacle course was set up... half of the kids (and a few teens) wouldnt' be moved from it, haha. Corey lended me his jacket, thanks again, he was in his t-shirt for at least half of the fair until the Efthimiou's got him a different one.
I went and did signs out by the road... and low and behold... my french grandpa drove by! He saw me and waved with this huge smile on him... I nearly flipped out! It was so cool. I ran in and said hi to them, told just about everyone... it was SO cool!!! It was probably one of the best events of the fair!
Silent Cry did our mime performance, the first one wasn't as good, but the second one was great! Good times! I had soda... I did the frisbee throw (which is the ONLY event I have ever been put in charge of at any fair or festival we have done... lol). I got a flower tatoo on my face. and I became apart of the Bethie and Bethany Butterfly gang... from gangmills!
Then we all hung out talking about the wiffle ball game... Covie Land was trying to take back the title from last year! To quote Adam 'it's not over until the tickle me Elmo laughs' hehehe. There was a lot of video taken of people talking about who they thought was going to win or lose ect. really funny!
I got squished into the back of the van on the way home. We got home. I took a nap. We were all VERY cold... Tai and I went walking around in big blankets (we must have looked silly ;-). Then after dinner we headed to the Efthimiou's for an intense game of Capture the Flag (sorry Jared, but we won!). And Adam, just to let you know I wouldn't punch you... unless you gave me a reason ;-). We headed home (once again Shwa drove us, though Alex drove us there).
Then to bed (I didn't get there till 1). THen woke up at 6, got ready for church. Bethie Tai and I went to church. We set up everything. Prayer was great. Worship was great. Service was good! Afterwards food was great... I became very jealous of Corey because he stole my little brother's love. :-(. I'm okay now, I've got it back :-). lol. Then food... and WIFFLE BALL. AFTER THREE GAMES, WHICH THE LAST ONE TOOK UP 16 INNINGS... CORNING IS STILL CHAMPION!!! Yes, Corning still holds the title. ;-). Good times!
Then... *sniff* e-team left *sniff* Bethie and Abbie left me... the fellowship of the blue pen parted (for whatever time it may be) and Bethie of the butterfly gang left us. We all loaded up into Jason's car... but alas, we didn't go very far... just far enough were we could get some pictures. Then the rest of the e-team left. Hung out. Drove home. It rained. I crashed. We watched a movie and ate icecream. That was about it.