YOUTH CAMP 2006./././.
looks like they're gonna kill us... but we'll have fun!!! ;-).
peace out.
The New Hipster
The beach is common ground for the people. Sunday baptisms takes place on
sand strewn with Saturday Corona empties. Talk about casting crowns. You
can call...
6 years ago
YC Rocks my socks!....Wish I could be there.....have a good time for me!
i'll be praying for ya. have a "mad fun" time!!
what is mad fun, because i am not normally having fun while i am currently mad? or is it mad like insane, so have 'crazy fun'
anyway, all of it is much to confusing and dumb, (the mad thing. haha)
have fun anyway.
it's something dell says. it means "insane fun", or at least i took it that way.
Hope it was great! (YCO6 that is)
yeah. I wish so too.
are you afraid of dieing????
no! we're not afraid of death-why would we be, when our lives are in the hands of the Savior who conquered death? after death, there is life everlasting for those who believe the gospel and are forgiven their sins.
the gospel:
mankind sinned against the holy God. the punishment for sin was death. BUT God sent His only son-Jesus Christ-to take on thier sin and punishment. Christ came to earth and lived a perfect life (perfect as in he never did anything wrong; not perfect as in "easy") Then Jesus was crucified on a cross for our sins and died. Taking on our punsihment. BUT on the third day after His death, He rose from the dead, conquering death for eternity.
It sounds crazy, but it is as real as you or I.
"Holy God in love became perfect man to bear my blame. On the cross He took my sin, by His death I live again."
"For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person--perhaps for a good person someone would dare even to die--but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since, therefore we have now been justified by His blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God."
(romans 5:6-9).
you can go to God with your questions too. Have you found a bible anyway to get a bible yet?
Mattea - what was up with the "Teal Will Win" thing?!
Right on Damaris!
Tai, I was on the teal team last year so of course my alliegence lies with them.....hehe
Pretty cool that pink one though!
I did find a bible .
But i've heard people say that it is just a big story book. Is that really true????
Unfortunetly that's what some people say, but the truth is the Bible is the Inspired Word of God.
It has all of Gods laws that tell us how we should live our lives. It tells the story of his chosen people, it tells many things that happened in the past and some things that will happen in the future. But most importantly it gives us the Gosple, the part about God sending his only Son to die in our place on the cross so that we could come and live with him in heaven and glorify him forever!
And the great thing is: every word in it is completely true. There's lots of historical evidence and personal accounts to back it up.
Now that you have a Bible, I think two really good books (the Bible is divided into books, which are kind of like long chapters) for you to read would be Mark and Romans. Mark is a Gosple and tells about Christs life, Death and Resurection. Romans is a little more complicated, but it tells us how because of Christ's death, if we trust in him as our Lord and Savior, we are free from the sins and bad things that we have done and are now children of God!
nice, andrew.
is the bible true?
heck yes.
as for reading it, mark is very good. but i would read john before reading romans. romans is hard to understand.
but still a great read.
good luck! :)
That is true.
okay I'll start reading Mark then.
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