Monday, May 28, 2007


hahahahahaha. And I"m sure no one is gonna look at this now. lol.

Nothing much is going on... my brother just turned 3... :-O I know. hahahahahaha.

God has been good! He is continually growing me even though its hard... I've really been strugglign with the fact that I wasn't able to go to NA this year, but I am learning to be content with where God has me.

So, how's everyone else been doing? Let me know!! =D.



Kara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kara said...

whoa it deleted.
anyways, i was just saying.
dell, youre swell.

oh its kara, the sczebels friend by the way.

Delian said...

Hey the Sczebels friend!! Kara ;-)
Glad to see that you have found my long lost blog... I had a hard time finding it. lol.

Anonymous said...

I was just checking to see if you updated. Nice post.

joel sczebel said...

i didn't go to NA either.
too busy. oh well. next year.
by the way... the first comment was mine... but now its gone... i don't remember deleting it.

Delian said...

if it makes you feel better I didn't delete it either... I just figured it was Kara since the first one was at 10:53 and hers was at 10:54... =D.
ps. Did you go last year to NA?

joel sczebel said...

i went last year, and it was amazing, but with the recording stuff that i'm doing right now i had no time this year.

Aly Sczebel said...

ya he did.

i can't go for a while.. i have to do the math... i am not sure.

Anonymous said...

pretty cool pic

Anonymous said...

so happy you updated! Gabriel is getting so big! And so is, kids grow up to fast sometimes.