I was driving today... not a big thing... not to different. But, as I was driving, I see a car to my right waiting to take a turn, if they go now I'll be pretty mad cause they'll be cutting right in front of me (when they should wait!). But they did. I was pretty mad. I beeped at them (the first time I ever beeped at anyone in the car other then friends). As I'm following this driver I see on the back of the car a big sticker something with what... what could it be... A CANADIAN FLAG! Hoser!
That is the story for today...
The next question is "Is anybody thinking about going to Clash? A conference for 17-20 year olds, check it out on Sovereign Graces' site"
Other than that nothing much.
I've got to go vacuum. Yay.
The New Hipster
The beach is common ground for the people. Sunday baptisms takes place on
sand strewn with Saturday Corona empties. Talk about casting crowns. You
can call...
6 years ago
Yeah, I checked on line and like the closests place it was coming on opening day was Rochester. blah. But I think it will probably end up here eventually... most things do, it's just a matter of how long....
At any rate, yeah we need to go see it.
True story! yeah, I looked and and it said "In theatres Feb 23, EVERYWHERE" Their lying!
It's a conspiracy. Hosers!
everything's a consipracy to you... lol.
Are you implying that the other driver was a bad driver because he was canadian? I'm offended. haha. I've done the exact same thing before. But it was a big truck that I cut off. Don't be mad at us. Don't honk your horn. We may be reckless drivers, but we really mean no harm.
hey dell this well guess and i am in florida say hi to everyone and tell them to answer my emails
Yes, those Cornfields are scary! There all realy great athleats and they lock people in showers!
You've never met any have?
they don't mean any harm. of course, if you're injured or killed by thier reckless driving they'd be sorry. but you can be comforted by the fact that it was unintentional. haha.
nobody drives worse than people from michigan. seroiusly.
You really should update.
Check out
it has been 3 weeks since you updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just want to know you're still alive...
one word dell. just one word.
:) haha.
your blog is so bright that I wouldn't be able to tell if you updated it. i'll just go on the assumption that these other commentators are telling the truth, and add my voice to the crowd which cries out "Please post again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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