Seven days... until friends leave...
Twelve days... until sweet sixteen...
42 days... until YC06...
It's all bittersweet...
God is good through it all...
The New Hipster
The beach is common ground for the people. Sunday baptisms takes place on
sand strewn with Saturday Corona empties. Talk about casting crowns. You
can call...
6 years ago
what is YC06?????
What does "A Saved Sinner" mean
she has been rescued by a gracious God, as have I.
but i will second the first question... what is YCO6?
and my friend leaves in 6 days.
and 15 days till my birthday.
not to steal your thunder dell.
A Saved Sinner means I who deserve Hell by God's grace I'm going to Heaven! And until then I'm not living a life of death, I'm living a life of life! it's great!
YC06, is Youth Camp 2006... with the Philly church. One of the most exciting things that a teen probably could ever do! ;).
Naaa, my b-day's sooner so pretty much I've got the thunder ;).
so what your saying is your going to Heaven by Gods grace.
What is Heaven and who is God????
I don't really understand what you are talking about.
Heaven is the place we are really made for... it's the Home we've always have wanted and to a certain extent may have experienced here on earth. God is preparing it now... a place of perfection where there will be no more pain, suffereing, heartache... sin. It's the place we were really made for!!
God is the One who has always been and who will always be. The One who created this earth and who created each one of us. He loved us enough to save us from Hell... through the blood of His only Son Jesus Christ!!! We were made to glorify Him!
so what your saying is God made us???
Yup...that's what she's saying...God def. made us to give all the glory!! I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL HEAVEN!!!!
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